

MH370 Crisis Management Failure

Yesterday, Malaysian Airlines told all of the families of the passengers of MH-370 via  (of all things) text message, that "deeply regret to tell you that...none on board survived."  See for the full story.  In short, isn't someone's life worth more than 160 characters and an impersonal communication? Isn't the cost of not managing a [...]

By | March 25th, 2014|Aviation, Marketing|0 Comments

DIY Backyard Firepit

5 Tips for building a Backyard Fire Pit Problem: So the lower half of the backyard turf always dies or goes dormant by mid-July and then fills up with weeds. My solution was to eliminate the worst section of turf in the middle and build a fire pit. Start to finish, the project took about 20 [...]

By | March 25th, 2014|DIY|0 Comments

Greetings and Thank You

Just a quick first posting to put something out there more than "Hello World".  I'll be blogging on Marketing, Do It Yourself projects that I undertake on my house, Automotive things, and Aviation.   Hope you all enjoy it. Also as I start this website to blog and just comment on life, I wanted to [...]

By | March 24th, 2014|Uncategorized|1 Comment